Monday, November 10, 2008

Paralegal does NOT equal Hooker

People wear all kinds of outlandish attire in Las Vegas. One ride on The Deuce and you could scream from the top of that double-decker beast, "SPANDEX IS A PRIVILEDGE, NOT A RIGHT!!!"

Why is it that when people travel they think that scary clothing should be packed for the trip???

Needless to say it isn't too difficult in Vegas to figure out who the actual hookers are.

Usually they're in shorts so short that even Daisy Duke herself would say AWWW HELL NO!!!

I'm a paralegal so I have to wear professional attire to work every day but Fridays.

One day in particular I ran out of clean laundry and was forced to wear my green pin-striped suit from Macy's. It's a normal suit. Not cut slutty at all.

Needless to say I'm riding on The Deuce for my trek home after a long day at work when some drunken tourist looks at me straight in the face and slurs at me "ARE YOU A HOOKER?"

This was my response: "Uh, No sir. I'm not a hooker. I'm a paralegal."

I dunno in what city hookers wear Macy's suits, but surely not in Vegas.

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