Monday, November 10, 2008

Mi Broken Corazon

One day I was minding my own business at the bus stop waiting for The Deuce when this Cuban guy starts talking to me. In a matter of 15 minutes I basically got the entire man's life story. Needless to say I really could only understand about every other third group of words due to his very, very thick Cuban accent.

Not to sound remotely racist here but it was seriously like a bad episode of I Love Lucy when Ricky would get excitable and Lucy didn't always know what he said.

Well basically I learned that this Cuban guy is a security guard at an apartment complex and that his girlfriend left him. He then proceeded to tell me for the next 45 minutes on The Deuce about his broken corazon.

This is where my fictional 3 year relationship with my invisible boyfriend is helpful.

Needless to say this is not a one time encounter. Whenever my bus is late Mr. Cuban Security Guard feels it necessary to flag me down and talk my ear off.

And it really doesn't matter if I have my ipod on full blast because he'll keep saying hello hello hello hello even though I can't hear him.

I don't mind chatting with people but it's very difficult when you can't understand what they are saying so you find yourself saying this: "That's nice." "Really, well that happens." "Hmmm...That's interesting." "You don't say."

His side of the conversation is usually this: It's been a rough week of work *Cuban I cannot decipher* My broken corazon *Cuban I cannot decipher* My girlfriend is gone *Cuban I cannot decipher* Nice people at work *Cuban I cannot decipher* My broken corazon *Cuban I cannot decipher* Are you marrying your boyfriend? *Cuban I cannot decipher* My broken corazon.

Maybe I need to be a little more tolerant of the random people on the bus....

In the future I may need to tell a stranger about my broken corazon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is he at least attractive?

I'm assuming he's not. But if he was, is there anything hotter than a latin-lover screaming "You got some s'plainin to do!!"