Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Introducing The Deuce!

Welcome to my glorious musings aboard the most fabulous, extravagant transportation in all of Vegas, The Deuce!

For those of you who have never been to Las Vegas, The Deuce is a double-decker bus that is usually frequented by tourists and the drunken homeless. The tourists like to be incredibly rude by literally sitting on you in the seat and not having the common sense to know that if you press the big red button that says "STOP" that the bus driver will stop. It's a concept the tourists cannot seem to grasp here. The drunken homeless think The Deuce is a bed on wheels. Lucky people like myself get to take The Deuce to work. Yes indeed, every morning around 6:45ish to 7:00 a.m. I find myself with the Las Vegas elite traveling in high style on The Deuce. Hence the blog is titled "WHAT THE DEUCE?!?" in a nod to Stewie of Family Guy and the cadillac of public transportation, The Deuce.

I have the tendency to attract conversations. I'm not sure why but for some reason random people like to talk to me. No matter if I have music blaring on my pod or I'm literally giving off a "Please don't fuckin' talk to me" vibe, the most random people still find it necessary to chat me up. For the most part I have manners so I talk back. I really should have listened to that whole "Don't Talk to Strangers" afterschoolesque speech. Oh well. As you will see in my future blogs, stories of my many adventures upon The Deuce. It's Vegas and I can't make this shit up!